Hilary Naylor, Ph.D.
Oakland, CA

To serve schools in low income and disadvanted communities using my skills in technology assessment and planning in ways that would strongly support student learning and personal growth.

skill set

Project Management:   Scope of Work, Task Analysis, Timeline, Research, Report writing
Technology Planning :   Technology Assessment, Organizational needs assessment, Research, Evaluation, Budget development, Report writing
Web Development:   HTML, CSS, Graphics
Training:   Strategic Action Planning, Event Planning, Campaign Strategy, Meeting facilitation

work experience

Oakland Unified School DistrictMarch, 2004 - present

Technology Coordinator
- Technology Planning
- Technology support and assistance
- Curriculum integration coaching
- Maintenance of computer lab

CompuMentorMarch, 1995 - February, 2004

Project Manager
- Technology Planning for small nonprofits and schools
- Developed workplans for "mentor matching" technology projects
- Facilitated a network of Community Technology Centers (CTN).
- Created a website for the Bay Area CTN.

AIM, FujitsuJanuary, 1995 - March, 1995

Curriculum Development
- Designed and implemented CommerceNet two-day class on the basics of the World Wide Web, Mosaic, and HTML.
- Designed and implemented "Internet Connectivity, Security and Information Providing" class for CommerceNet.

University of California, San FranciscoMay, 1980 - August, 1994

Programmer Analyst
- Implemented EEG Topographic Mapping software
- Responsible for systems maintenance in research laboratory.
- Assisted in research experimental design and implementation.
- Co-authored peer-reviewed research reports and grant applications.


- University of California, Berkeley: Ph.D. Educational Psychology, 1980
- San Francisco State University: M.A. Developmental Psychology, 1975
- University of Reading, England: B.Sc. (Hons) Psychology, 1968

- Chancellor's Award for Public Service, University of California, San Francisco, April 1990
- The Geraldine J. Clifford Award for Excellence in Writing, presented by the Omega Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, University of California, Berkeley, June, 1980.


Naylor, H. and Mutrux, Z. (2003) Preventing Trouble on Windows Through Regular Maintenance: A maintained hard drive is a happy hard drive. < http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/software/page5391.cfm>

Naylor, H. (2007) Securing Your Computers for a Public Computing Environment. <http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/ctc/page5203.cfm>

Naylor, H., Callaway, E. and Halliday, R. (1993) Biochemical correlates of human information processing. In P.A. Vernon (Ed.) Biological Approaches to the Study of Human Intelligence, Ablex Pub. Corp., NJ.

Naylor, H., Halliday, R. and Callaway, E. (1985) The effect of methylphenidate on information processing. Psychopharmacology, 86, 90-95

Naylor, H. (1980) Reading disability and laterality: An information processing analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 87, 531-545

volunteer experience

Amnesty International
- Board of Directors, 1991-1993
- Trainer, 1988-present
- Public spokesperson, 1987-present
- Web developer, 1996-present

MouseSquad <ca.mousesquad.org>
- Co-instructor, MetWest High School
- Advisory Council, member 2007-present
References available on request to .